My name is Lenka Huckova and i'm living in Montreux (Switzerland).
My company "Lenka Huckova Sàrl" can be found in the "Swiss Federal Commercial Registry"
Lenka Huckova Sàrl is a company whose goal is to export bohemia cristal ware (Czech Republic),
like vases, glasses, animals and Christmas balls to all the countries of the world.
The ware is delivered directly from the different fabrics to the wholeseller and the resellers.
Sometimes also to privates, it depends of the quantity ordered,
because the shipment price can be higher than the value of the ware ordered.
All the products are hand made by artists.
To be worked, the cristal is first heated to 1600° Celsius and
at a temperature of 1200° C it will be formed by blowing with the mouth.
Depending of the product, it takes a various time to be formed.
There are up to 5 people who are working together and are synchronizing their actions.
Especially the animals are done by artists and are signed by them.
The Christmas balls are painted and decorated by hand.
The Christmas animals are blown in a form and then painted and decorated by hand.
To have an overview of the products, please take a look at the Products Catalog Page.
To have a full description of each ware, please take a look at the Product Description Page.